Connect Quriobot to Messagebird (for sending Text messages as a response)
You can now easily send text messages as a response to your customers on Quriobot, with the service called Message bird you easily set up a Webhook workflow and configure that as a response connection!
Here’s how to do that:
Step 1: Create a Messagebird account and make sure you top it up with SMS credits on the Messagebird website.
Step 2: Create a new Webhook to SMS Flow with their Flow Builder:
Step 3: Add your variables in your Messagebird Flow:
-For the first Webhook step recepient and message are automatically configured.
-On the second, Send SMS, you configure the originator (your number), and your flow is ready to be saved and publilshed!
-After Publishing you will be presented with your Webhook URL, which you need tp copy-paste in the Quriobot Control Room where you configure the JSON Webhook Response Connection
****Step 4: Copy-pasting the webhook to the JSON Webhook Response Connection and add the Variables in the JSON webhook body
- You configure the Variables on the Advanced tab
****Result: That’s it, after running and finishing your bot, the response connection will be triggered and the recipient will receive a Text message!
What if you’d like to send a scheduled message?
You can use a special scheduledDate-time parameter to the JSON body:
"message": "{{message}}",
"recipient": "{{recipient}}",
"scheduledDate-time": "{{scheduledDateTime}}"
Where the bot variable scheduledDateTime is a script variable like:
function(callback, variables) {
var dayIncrement = 1;
if (quriobot.moment().day() === 5) {
// set to monday
dayIncrement = 3;
} else if (quriobot.moment().day() === 6) {
// set to monday
dayIncrement = 2;
var value = quriobot.moment().add(dayIncrement, 'days').format()
which sets the scheduled date to the next business day