Different bots on Desktop and Mobile, different pages, etc

If you want to show different Quriobots on Mobile and Desktop (or maybe no bot on mobile, for example) this page will explain how to do it using trigger conditions.

In short what you need to do is to set mutually exclusive conditions for the different bots (in this example, mobile vs desktop):

Step 1: set a trigger condition for the first bot to only trigger on the mobile device

Step 2: On the second bot, set the trigger condition to only trigger on the desktop:

Using the same approach, you can have different bots on, for example, the different pages, or other parameters.

To have the triggers for all needed bots checked, please note that you’d need to modify the initial bot embed code to add more items to qbOptions variable:

<script type="text/javascript">
  if (!Array.isArray(window.qbOptions)) {
    window.qbOptions = []
  window.qbOptions.push({"baseUrl":"https://botsrv2.com","use":"<bot 1 path>"});
  window.qbOptions.push({"baseUrl":"https://botsrv2.com","use":"<bot 2 path>"});
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://static.botsrv2.com/website/js/widget2.25572cc4.min.js" integrity="sha384-/wNOambuDRrHQBDLRNgrwbcBAcYmLuenMpvutaPLKwKH/epBQntD9xhFEJG736PS" crossorigin="anonymous" defer data-no-minify="1"></script>

Note the lines:

window.qbOptions.push({"baseUrl":"https://botsrv2.com","use":"<bot 1 path>"});
window.qbOptions.push({"baseUrl":"https://botsrv2.com","use":"<bot 2 path>"}); 

that add the needed bots.

Another approach would be to have a single bot with the different entry points and make use of the conditional behaviors: Conditional bot behavior.

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