Intelligent responses to user input with advanced conditions - (also: the bot on

We get a lot of people asking how we build the bot on We will never claim that the bot can respond to any input a user might give, but it’s actually pretty easy to configure, and here’s how to!

Besides being a rather straightforward bot it does have cool responses based on user input. Making the bot smarter and fun to use! it all comes down to some Advanced conditions

Advanced conditions

-With advanced conditions, you can create intelligent responses and specific jumps within your bot.

Intelligent Responses

Using the different logic operator option you create your responses.

Note: You can, of course, use expand your conditions using multiple steps for validation (for example, Text input from a Step and a chosen answer in a Multiple Choice Step)

Important note: the bot continues as soon as the first rule it finds validates

-AND/OR is the difference of multiple (groups of) rules needing to be true to validate with AND or with OR just one of the rules.


The input need to contain “Test” AND “Me” to validate

The input can contain “Test” OR “me” OR both to validate

-Validation: Depending on the step type you can choose your validation operator.

=Input has to be equal to the condition
!=Input has to be anything but the condition
Contains (case sensitive)Input should contain the condition (sensitive to the use of capitals)
Contains (case insensitive)Input should contain the condition (insensitive to the use of capitals)
Does not contain (case sensitive)Input should not contain the condition (sensitive to the use of capitals)
Does not contain (case sensitive)Input should not contain the condition (insensitive to the use of capitals)

Note: Number step type will have number based validation (Number being smaller(<), equal(=) or larger(>) and Multiple choice based Step types will have a drop-down or 1 or multiple answer options which need to be given to validate.

-Add Rule or Add Group.

Add rule is a list of rules that will validate.

Add group creates grouped rules creating room for smart validation logic.


The way this will validate is when either “Quriobot” AND “Test” is in the input OR the input is equal to “Support”.

So when, for example, the input is “Test Support” it will not validate but “Support” will as well as “Test Quriobot”

Intelligent responses and jumps

So now that we know how to set up different forms of validation we can expand that to intelligent Responses and jumps


This example has three different possible responses:

-If none of the Advanced Conditions validated it will show the Response at the bottom “Simple response” and jump to Step3 Email, which was configured at the top of this Response

-It will respond with “Nice” and jump to Step2 Rating when either “Quriobot” AND “Test” is in the input OR the input is equal to “Support”

-It will respond with “Go response” and jump to the Exit when the input equals “Go”

Using a combination of all this logic we created the bot on and now so can you!

PS. The used HTML code for that GIF for you to use in an HTML type Chat message:

<p style="display: none">1</p>

<img src="" alt="undefined" style="border-radius: 9px;display: block;height: auto;width: 100%"/>

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