Custom jumps (and response) based on device types

If you want to create custom jumps based on the device type you will need to do the following.

Example : that will detect if you’re on a mobile device (and exit the bot or otherwise continue to Step 2).

Note: this might be helpful if, for example, you don’t want to show the Fold-out step on mobile devices

Step 1: Add a GoTo Step that uses the value of this variable ({{infoDeviceType}} in this example) and create your Response and corresponding Jump logic based on the value

That’s it! If you’re on a mobile device the bot will respond with “Mobile” and jump to the Exit, but if you are on anything else, like Macbook, Desktop, etc, it will respond with “Non mobile” and jump to Step 2!

Switching the landing background image based on the device type

Step 0: Add at least 2 background images for the landing page:

Step 1: Add a GoTo Step that uses the value of this variable ({{infoDeviceType}} in this example) and create your Response and corresponding Jump logic based on the value

Edit this page

See also