Tracking the conversation with your own endpoint(s) or JS functions

It’s possible to track the conversation events using your own endpoint(s) or JS functions.

Using the custom initialization options, add such API method:

        onLoad:function(data){}, // bot loaded
        onStart:function(results){},  // bot started
        onQuestion:function(results, question){},  // bot step asked, called after it displays the actual question
        onAnswer:function(results, question, answer){},  // bot step answered
        onRedo:function(results, question, answer){},  // bot step redo started
        onAnswerRedo:function(results, question, answer){}, // bot step redo answered
        onLeave:function(results){}, // bot window closed
        onFinish:function(results){}, // bot chat completed
        onExit:function(results){}, // bot chat exited
        onReturn:function(results){} // bot chat have returned from leave

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