How to fix an encoding mismatch with my bot?

For some legacy web pages, there are still non-UTF encodings being used, sometimes.

To correctly display the bot content according to the page’s encoding, you can force the encoding as needed using the following widget code (which goes into the HTML of your web page):

<script type="text/javascript">
  if (!Array.isArray(window.qbOptions)) {
    window.qbOptions = []
    "charset": "windows-1255"
<script type="text/javascript" src="" integrity="sha384-eIQOpcMrVK2La47/uGhqpJMnpRZ4rtYQpRgr1/EbeF2HLFSPGoMsegUKf2xJUcuP" crossorigin="anonymous" async defer></script>

Note: if you are iFraming the Quriobot this is not needed.

Did you notice the charset parameter which you can set manually? In this example, it is windows-1255.

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